Monday, March 19, 2012


Life is constantly changing for us, some good some bad. This new change coming to us is a wonderful change, in August we will be adding a new baby to our family! We are very excited about it, even though I am more scared to have this baby then I was to have Briley. With Briley I only had Briley, I could sleep when she slept, or I would call my mom and she would be there in a second and help or let me sleep. I never felt like it was more then I could handle because of my support system with a wonderful husband and family. This baby I am terrified, first I can't call my mom and ask her to come relieve me for a hour or so. I know I could call her and she would drive to Idaho for me, but it would take four hours minimum, and I still have a wonderful husband that will do anything for me, but lets face it we are an Air Force family now and as lucky as I am he is here as much as he is, he still is gone a lot! And my sweet little Briley who loves babies and love to help take care of them, by piling blankets on there faces and then holding them there, taking their bottles out of their mouth and then shove it in their eyes! And just as I said earlier, it has just been Briley and I, so she is spoiled and gets all of my attention. I have a feeling this is going to be a problem, and it terrifies me. This pregnancy has been a lot better then the first, I haven't thrown up and the heart burn hasn't been as bad. What has been bad is I am soooo tired, and I feel like a failure of a mom to Briley. I didn't feel like I could get off the couch, we were so good and making veggies and a fruit at every meal and now I am lucky if I can make anything for awhile it was have Richy go get subway or something like that. Thankfully I have gotten a little more energy now that I am 17 weeks along, and today I felt that baby for the first time and I love that! That really is the best thing about being pregnant for me! So even though I still have 23 weeks to worry about things that I can't control yet, I am very excited about this new change in our lives! And April 12 we will find out what we are having!!!


  1. Congratulations!! For me, adjusting to 2 kids was easier than adjusting to 1. I was worried about the same things you are, but amazingly, it all worked out and we are a happy, crazy family of 4 :) Just remember it took time to adjust to the one baby, so give yourself time to adjust to 2!

  2. I second Crystal! It took a bit of time but I eventually decided we could keep both of our kids. Have fun with what you feel up too and don't feel bad about what you can't. Briley knows you love her and that is what's most important.

  3. Oh go ahead and call me I will be right over...well it may take me 4 hours but I will be there!!! You'll do great and before you know it you will have 5. Remember you were #2 and you survived nicely. I love you!!! love mom. P.S. Remember I know a nice couple who would take Briley off your hands for awhile if you just want to leave her here with us....ha ha.
