Korbin Richard
Aug 26, 2012
7 lbs 12 oz
21 inches long
12:53 PM
Alright I know my baby is 5 weeks old but here is the labor story, don't read if you don't want to, I just want in written down!
Thursday Aug 23 at around 3:30 AM I started having a weird pain in my stomach, it had started earlier that night but I was able to sleep up till this point. I went and got in the bath for about and hour and it help a little I still felt weird though, it wasn't the contractions I remember with Briley. I know it can feel different with every kid, but this was really different I was sweaty and hot and nauseated . I woke Richy up and told him what was going on he got right up and was getting all ready to go to the hospital all excited saying he was sorry I was in pain but was so excited about this. I then called my mom, and asked what she thought was going on. She told me to call the hospital so I did they told me to come in and get check. So I called my mom back and told her I was going in, so she got in the car and left, Richy's mom decided to come a couple days before so my mom went and got her. At the hospital they had me change and got a urine sample, when the nurse was taking my vitals I had a fever of 101.4 so they wanted to find out where that was coming from. They couldn't get an IV in me, they were telling me I was dehydrated and that was causing my contractions which were between 7 to 10 mins apart, when i tried to tell them I wasn't I knew I had drank 76 ounces of water the two days before that, i kept track! They still had me drink a ton of water and they gave me medicine to bring the fever down. So they took a CBC to check my white blood cell count, and it came back really high. They then came in telling me that I was dehydrated but something else was going on and they needed to figure it out. Oh they also check me and I maybe a fingertip (the OB doctor is also in our ward, so I am pretty sure he was humoring me in telling me that) and wasn't thinned at all and my cervix was posterior so no progress what so ever! So they had to monitor me for a couple hours, I kept in touch with my mom and she decided she was going to keep coming up even though I wasn't having this baby anytime soon. Which I am so happy about, there is just something about mom's that makes things better! I hasn't seen her for a month before that, so I was so happy she was there! Since they were just monitoring me Richy took Briley home and feed her and put here down for a nap, and they stayed there with me. The doctor came in and said they thought UTI but after they did a straight cath earlier it wasn't that, so now it was either an infection in my uterus or a appendicitis. They talked about giving me pit to try and start me but I wasn't doing anything on my on they wanted to wait and see. So they sent me home after 9 hours there, and said if it gets worse come back if not come back tomorrow for a Non-stress test. So I went home having contractions every 7 to 10 mins still and having chills and a fever still. So Richy went shopping with our moms while I stayed home, he only went shopping because on base you have to show you military ID to buy anything. This went on all night and the next day, I went for my NST and everything was the same I was a little discourage, labor with Briley was so easy. So I went home with the same things feeling terrible and contractions every 7 to 10 mins, this went on all through that night on to saturday, our mom's decided to go home Saturday since I wasn't looking like I was doing anything and my dad was doing a job in Wyoming so my mom and dad hadn't seen each other for over a week.
Now to Sunday, I woke up around 4 with contractions every 3 to 5 mins, they were stronger and more painfully. I didn't want to go to the hospital again if I wasn't in labor, so again I called my mom and told her about them, my dad said that we should go in and they were coming up. At this point I was so tired, I was tired of not feeling good, I was tired of contractions and they were only going to get worse. So I called the hospital again, again they told me to come in! I went in and I was only a two, and my cervix was still posterior. I had a melt down, I wanted to be doing something. I was in pain they said they were going to keep me, so I asked when I could get my epidural, and they said the worst thing in the world to me, "we want you to walk to get your cervix to move forward", I really thought I physically can not walk. I knew I needed help so at that point I started praying so some strength somewhere. Oh and at this point both sets of parents were driving up. Briley was so good at the hospital but was getting so restless. I have friends here in Mountain Home that said they would watch her until my mom got there but they were all pregnant and due in a few days to so i felt bad sending Briley over to their houses. One of my good friends just text Richy and said I am coming to get Briley your don't have a choice I will see you when I get there. I am so grateful for her, She came and got Briley did her hair and took her to church. My mom ended up getting Briley before church was over but it was nice knowing Briley was taking care of. The nurse came in to check me and get me up to start walking, when she check me my cervix had moved forward and I was a 5 I was so happy, I didn't have to walk around and I could have an epidural. I was so grateful my prayers were answered. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel! The doctor came in to give me my epidural he didn't get it the first time so he tried again only one side went numb, but still that one side helped so much! So our parents ended up getting there around 12. Around 12:30 they came and broke my water, so my dad and Donald and Valeen left the room and I thought they would have been back, but once my water broke I had so much pressure and had to push the nurse ran to the hall and said she is pushing. My dad said it was crazy watching all the people in the halls take off and start running to my room. With my mom and Richy in the room I started pushing at 12:48 and Korbin made his appearance at 12:53. I wondered if we would have a mold of our kids, but we don't Briley and Korbin don't look alike, Korbin actually looks a lot like my dad. Which is fitting since he was so excited for a grandson, and Korbin is named after the two most important men in my life, Richy and my dad! It's wonderful they have the same name! Briley came and met her brother shortly after he was born, she was been in love with her "buddy" ever since. My sisters wanted to meet Korbin so at around 1 that day they left for Idaho! They drove 4 hours just to stay for around an hour to drive back again but it was important to meet him. It meant so much for me that they would do that, I have a great support system. After we got moved to my room and settled in my dad, Donald, Paige and McKenzie headed back to Utah that night and again my mom and Valeen stayed to watch Briley!
Sorry some of the pictures are out of order!